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Fast Rules from Alan Webber

There is a variety of interesting material online about Alan Webber and his new book Rules of Thumb: 52 Truths for Winning at Business Without Losing Your Self. Among other things in a varied career, he was the co-founding editor of Fast Company.  He has also written insightful columns for USA TODAY. Linda Tischler’s post on a Fast Company blog reports on his recent talk at the Japan Society in New York. He also did a guest post on Gloria McDonough-Taub’s CNBC blog Bullish on Books. The book grew out of years of collecting and distilling wisdom on 3 x 5 cards, a habit he encourages for his readers. That made me think about how I often gather information on folded, full-size paper in my shirt pocket and later (though only sometimes) transfer the most crucial material to notebooks.  What system, if any, works best for you?

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