25 Eclectic Resources for 125 Years of Jorge Luis Borges

August 24 marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of the great Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges. As in many previous years, I’m paying tribute to him on his birthday, in this case with a variety of resources that I like to think he would find useful and educational. They represent books, articles, libraries, lectures, interviews, videos, archives, college courses and events.

The resources cover the main aspects of his creative output: fiction, nonfiction, and poetry; as well as his related work as a professor and librarian. The Borges influence continues to grow, long after his death in 1986. Happy birthday, Professor Borges!

Daniel Balderston: How Borges Wrote and The Oxford Handbook of Jorge Luis Borges (edited by Balderston and Nora Benedict of the University of Georgia)

Borges Center University of Pittsburgh: Explore Borges’s Life and Work

Cambridge University Press: The Cambridge Companion to Jorge Luis Borges

Carleton College Perlman Teaching Museum: Richard Avedon: Jorge Luis Borges

Christian Science Monitor: Jorge Luis Borges: what made him so good?

The Collidescope/Clark M. Zlotchew: Borges, Joe Sims, and I

Commonweal: An Interview with Jorge Luis Borges: Reality Is Perplexing Enough

Harry Ransom Center University of Texas at Austin: Jorge Luis Borges: An Inventory of His Collection at the Harry Ransom Center

Instituto Cervantes New York: Jorge Luis Borges Library

The Jerusalem Post: National Library of Argentina showcases Borges’ love for Israel and Judaism

Lapham’s Quarterly: Roundtable: A Jorge Luis Borges Reading List; Recommendations from a life of lectures and essays.

Library of Congress: Jorge Luis Borges

Literary Hub: Hernan Diaz: “I Wouldn’t Be the Person I am Without Borges.”

Los Angeles Review of Books: “I’ll Be in Another World”: A Rediscovered Interview with Jorge Luis Borges

Michigan State University Libraries: Donald Yates collection on Jorge Luis Borges

Middlebury College: New undergraduate course examines the philosophies underlying Jorge Luis Borges’s literature

National Library of Medicine PubMed: “The books and the night”, neurological perspective on Jorge Luis Borges’ blindness

New Directions: Jorge Luis Borges

The New York Times: Jorge Luis Borges (Times Topics)

Open Culture: Jorge Luis Borges Creates a List of 16 Ironic Rules for Writing Fiction

The Paris Review: Jorge Luis Borges, The Art of Fiction No. 39; interviewed by Ronald Christ

Penguin Random House: Jorge Luis Borges

Poetry Foundation: Jorge Luis Borges

Saúl Sosnowski: Borges y la Cábala

University of Virginia Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library: How Borges Wrote: Symposium on the Creative Process of Jorge Luis Borges

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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