30 Years of Drucker

At this time 30 years ago, during my first summer semester as an MLS student at the Catholic University of America, I received my first formal introduction to the work of Peter Drucker. I wrote about this in more detail in two guest posts for LexisNexis Government Info Pro, “25 Years of Drucker” in 2011, and “How a New Business/Self-Development Book Had Its Genesis in a Library School Class,” in 2009.

CYF 2014 cover from Chelsea V
Drucker’s 1974 magnum opus, Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, was the textbook assigned by my professor, Duane Webster, the longtime executive director of the Association of Research Libraries. Drucker’s book spoke to me on a very deep level. In 2008, three years after Drucker’s death at 95, I reviewed the revised and updated edition, Management: Revised Edition for USA TODAY.

The study of Drucker’s work that began 30 years ago ultimately led to a number of interviews with Drucker, articles about him in a variety of publications, and my two books, Create Your Future the Peter Drucker Way, (McGraw-Hill/Brilliance Audio, 2013) and Living in More Than One World: How Peter Drucker’s Wisdom Can Inspire and Transform Your Life (Berrett-Koehler, 2009).

Living in More Than One World Book Cover
And although I’m not teaching this year, I’ve been an adjunct professor at CUA for 20 years, and have taught several times in the 1986 classroom, Marist 213. As I pause to think back to that fateful semester, I’m struck by how differently my life would have unfolded if Duane Webster had assigned a different textbook!

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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