39 Selected Books by Authors From My ‘69 Educators’ List

On November 3 I wrote about a list I curated of “69 Educators Who Remind Me of Peter Drucker’s 1969 Learning and Teaching Quote.” I followed that on November 24 with “69 Educators List: The Leader to Leader Articles.”

In this post I highlight 39 different books representing a wide variety of subjects from these educators. In cases where an author has more than one book, I’ve chosen the most recent one.

Happy reading, and Happy New Year!

Herman Aguinis

Performance Management (3rd Edition)

Bryan Alexander

Academia Next: The Futures of Higher Education

Arne Almquist

Intrapreneurship Handbook for Librarians: How to Be a Change Agent in Your Library

Jonah Berger

The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone’s Mind

John A. Byrne

World Changers: 25 Entrepreneurs Who Changed Business as We Knew It

Renate Chancellor

E. J. Josey: Transformational Leader of the Modern Library Profession

Dorie Clark

The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World

Jenny Darroch

Why Marketing to Women Doesn’t Work: Using Market Segmentation to Understand Consumer Needs

Martin Davidson

The End of Diversity As We Know It: Why Diversity Efforts Fail and How Leveraging Difference Can Succeed

Alfredo De Massis

Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Family Business (edited by)

Amy Edmondson

The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth

Steven Elias

Deviant and Criminal Behavior in the Workplace (edited by)

Bill Fischer

Reinventing Giants: How Chinese Global Competitor Haier Has Changed the Way Big Companies Transform

Marilyn Gist

The Extraordinary Power of Leader Humility: Thriving Organizations – Great Results

Paolo Granata

Introduction to Media Ecology: Thinkers, schools of thought, key concepts

La’Wana Harris

Diversity Beyond Lip Service: A Coaching Guide for Challenging Bias

Edward D. Hess

Hyper-Learning: How to Adapt to the Speed of Change

Vlatka Ariaana Hlupic

Humane Capital: How to Create a Management Shift to Transform Performance and Profit

David Hollander


Thomas A. Horan

Digital Places: Building Our City of Bits

Jill Hurst-Wahl

The Information and Knowledge Professional’s Career Handbook: Define and Create Your Success (co-author)

Herminia Ibarra

Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader

Santiago Iñiguez

In an Ideal Business: How the Ideas of 10 Female Philosophers Bring Value into the Workplace

Bernie Jaworski

The Organic Growth Playbook: Activate High-Yield Behaviors To Achieve Extraordinary Results—Every Time

Kevin Kearns

Private Sector Strategies for Social Sector Success

Sven Kunisch

From Grey to Silver: Managing the Demographic Change Successfully

R.  David Lankes

Forged in War: How a Century of War Created Today’s Information Society

Alex Lazarow

Out-Innovate: How Global Entrepreneurs–from Delhi to Detroit–Are Rewriting the Rules of Silicon Valley

Emi Makino

Innovation Makers: How Campus Makerspaces Can Empower Students to Change the World

Brian Mathews

Marketing Today’s Academic Library: A Bold New Approach to Communicating with Students

Annie McKee

How to Be Happy at Work: The Power of Purpose, Hope, and Friendship

Eric McNulty

You’re It: Crisis, Change, and How to Lead When It Matters Most (co-author)

Kerimcan Ozcan

The Co-Creation Paradigm (co-author)

Leon C. Prieto and Simone Phipps

African American Management History: Insights on Gaining a Cooperative Advantage

David Sprott

Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement (edited by)

Guy St. Clair

The Knowledge Services Handbook: A Guide for the Knowledge Strategist

Dave Ulrich

Victory Through Organization: Why the War for Talent is Failing Your Company and What You Can Do About It

Michelle R. Weise

Long Life Learning: Preparing for Jobs that Don’t Even Exist Yet

Jack Yoest

The Memo: How the Classified Military Document That Helped the U.S. Win WWII Can Help You Succeed in Business

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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