Jim Collins, Peter Drucker, and more for Entrepreneurs

Many of us will have to become more entrepreneurially-oriented as we move deeper into the 21st century. In that spirit, be sure to check out the April, 30th anniversary issue of Inc., especially for the highly informative interview with Jim Collins. Jim is well-known for his books Good to Great and Built to Last, and he wrote the forewords for Peter Drucker’s Management: Revised Edition and The Daily Drucker. He references Drucker in his interview, which is about the state of entrepreneurship, and especially the entrepreneur, in the past, present and future.
There are lots of other things worth reading in this issue and on the magazine’s website, including The Business Owner’s Bookshelf, a list of 30 books that should be helpful whether or not you own a business, or think of yourself as an entrepreneur. Drucker’s The Effective Executive is one of the recommendations, along with other such varied fare as Collins’ Good to Great, Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline, Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People and Guy Kawasaki’s The Art of the Start.

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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