79 Eclectic Publications with Peter Drucker Bylines

The late John E. Flaherty’s 1999 book Peter Drucker: Shaping the Managerial Mind contains a nearly five page section, “Major Articles,” listing titles, dates, and publication names for some of the pieces under Drucker’s byline.

In this new post, I’ve incorporated information about Drucker-bylined articles from Flaherty’s book, and added to it from my research, including for the posts “Peter Drucker: Freelance Writer,” (2016), and “Peter Drucker and The Washington Post” (2013). I interviewed Flaherty and wrote about the book for USA TODAY, and wrote him about him in 2018 in my post “Remembering John E. Flaherty and Tony Bonaparte, Friends and Associates of Peter Drucker.”

The fact that Drucker wrote, at one time or another, for 79 different publications is astounding. And this list is probably incomplete, especially as it relates to publications outside the United States. I’ve listed a few, but there are bound to be others. It’s possible that he appeared infrequently, or only once, in many of the titles below. But in some he appeared quite regularly; he was a columnist for the Wall Street Journal for 20 years, and wrote prolifically for the Harvard Business Review, a phenomenon I wrote about last year in “Examining Harvard Business Review Press’ New ‘Drucker Library’.”

If you are aware of periodical titles with confirmed Drucker bylines that are not on this list, please let me know!

Academy of Management Executive

Across the Board

Advanced Management Journal

American Journal of Sociology

The American Political Science Review

The American Scholar

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

Annals of the History of Computing

The Asian Wall Street Journal

The Atlantic

Business Monthly

California Management Review

The Centennial Review of Arts & Science

Christianity Today

Chronicle of Higher Education


The Corporate Board



Design for Arts in Education


The Economist


Executive Excellence

Financial News (now Financial Times)


Forbes ASAP

Foreign Affairs


Frankfurter General-Anzeiger

The Futurist


Harvard Business Review

Houston Chronicle


Industry Week

The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago

The Journal of Business Strategy

Journal of Marketing


Leader to Leader

Management Science

Management Today

Managing Accounting Magazine

Marketing Communication

The McKinsey Quarterly

Modern Office Technology

The National Interest

Nation’s Business

New Management

New Perspectives

The New York Times

The New York Times Magazine



Psychology Today

Public Administration Review

The Public Interest

Reader’s Digest

Research Management

The Review of Politics

San Francisco Chronicle

Saturday Evening Post


Sewanee Review

Social Science


Stores Magazine


Technology and Culture


Virginia Quarterly Review

The Wall Street Journal

The Washington Post

Wharton Magazine

Wilson Library Bulletin

Wilson Quarterly

World Business

Yale Review

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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