One Hundred Years of Drucker and SLA

It’s appropriate that this week I am at the 100th annual conference of the Special Libraries Association/SLA, in Washington, D.C., and also carrying around the galleys of my book, Living in More Than One World: How Peter Drucker’s Wisdom Can Inspire and Transform Your Life, which will be published by Berrett-Koehler on August 10th.  Drucker was born in 1909, the year SLA began. He gave one of the keynotes at the 2002 annual conference in Los Angeles. I interviewed him for a feature story in USA TODAY the night before he gave his address, and I started work on my book later that year. At the 2006 SLA annual conference in Baltimore, I gave a work-in-progress presentation on my book, screening my 21 minute video interview with Drucker, which was conducted in 2005. Now things have more or less come full circle:  I’m back at SLA – the course I teach at the Catholic University School of Library and Information Science is built around the conference – and my book will be published shortly. If you see me at the conference, please introduce yourself!

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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