In this era of maximum uncertainty, disunity, and not-always-reliable information, we especially value trusted, no-nonsense, hands-on guidance from experts. In that spirit, we can look to Kerry Hannon, who has consistently been posting concise and ultra-helpful articles (before and during the current crisis) on topics of extreme importance: money and personal finance, jobs and careers, entrepreneurship, retirement planning and more.
Kerry’s new book, to be published in August, Great Pajama Jobs: Your Complete Guide to Working from Home, has an especially prescient title and message. She also contributes to a number of media outlets, including The New York Times, Forbes.com, MarketWatch, AARP, and Next Avenue.
Given the fast-changing nature of the pandemic, and how it has affected the world of work, many of Kerry’s recent articles are particularly practical, including:
Opinion: It might be time to think about a career change
Opinion: I’ve been working from home for years — this is how to do it successfully
Here is an assortment of some of her books, focusing on the ones that have particular relevance now:
Getting the Job You Want After 50 For Dummies
Great Pajama Jobs: Your Complete Guide to Working from Home
Love Your Job: The New Rules for Career Happiness
Never Too Old to Get Rich: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Business Mid-Life
In 2015, I wrote about Love Your Job: The New Rules for Career Happiness. In that post, I noted the following, which still holds true: (Disclosure: Kerry and I were onetime colleagues at USA TODAY. She quotes me in Love Your Job, and as a contractor for Wiley, publishers of the book, I am managing editor of the journal Leader to Leader.) In 2014, Kerry also interviewed me for her Forbes.com article What Would Peter Drucker Advise Second-Acters?
Kerry sets a great example for how more of us will need to operate now and in the future: thinking and acting entrepreneurially, developing niches of expertise, networking strategically, and searching for the widest possible avenues and types of outlets (online, and eventually again in person) for disseminating our work.