Ken Blanchard and More: ASTD Expo Part 2

Another brief post today, as I’ll return to the Expo hall of the ASTD International Conference & Exposition, in Washington, D.C. Monday was fun and informative. Besides visiting the booth of my publisher, Berrett-Koehler, I talked to a number of people from a variety of organizations, and learned a lot more about the world of training and development. A big highlight of the day was getting to meet the legendary Ken Blanchard – who publishes some of his books through B-K –at the booth of the Ken Blanchard Companies. Blanchard is known for co-authoring many books, especially the multi-million selling The One Minute Manager. His presentation at the booth (meaning anyone in the hall could see it without charge or registration) was based on his new book Who Killed Change? Afterwards, he signed copies of a number of his books that were on sale through his company for a long line of people, many of whom had their picture taken with him.  I’m looking forward to learning more on day 2!

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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