Leadership Now and in the Next 25 Years: Leader to Leader Issue 100

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I’m super-excited that the special 100th issue (Spring 2021) of Leader to Leader, the journal I edit, has now published.

We asked the authors, some of whom have written for us previously, and others who are new to our pages, to consider the idea of leadership in the next 25 years.

Our quarterly journal is co-published by Wiley/Jossey-Bass and the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership at The University of Pittsburgh. 2021 also marks 25 years of publication; and ten years since I became managing editor.

Last month, I previewed the issue by focusing on 100 books by various authors who have published with us over the years. In this post, I briefly describe the articles in LTL 100, and provide author links and a sample quote.

Author: LaShyra “Lash” Nolen

Article: Student Government as a Vehicle for Social Justice

Quote: “We must think about how we can use our access to privilege and capital as leaders to restore displaced power back into our communities and amplify the voices of the marginalized.”

Author: Herminia Ibarra

Article: 5 Leadership Skills for the Future

Quote: “Often the toughest task for leaders is resisting the urge to provide leadership in the form of answers and instead mobilizing their people throughout the organization to tackle adaptive challenges together.”

Author: Wayne A.I. Frederick

Article: For Tomorrow’s Leaders, a Social Agenda is as Important as a Business Plan

Quote: “We need leaders who believe that creating a more representative workforce within their organizations is a crucial step to cultivating a more equal society.”

Author: Daniel Goleman

Article: Leadership Blindspots

Quote: “A leader who makes fixing an organization’s environmental impacts a true priority creates the kind of outfit that tomorrow’s young talent will want to work for or be loyal customers and clients for.”

Author: Juana Bordas

Article: Latino Destino: Creating a Multicultural America

Quote: “The ability to synthesize cultures, nations, races, and ethnic groups is a defining characteristic of the Latino soul—and is precisely the attribute needed to craft our inclusive future.”

Author: Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Article: Look “Outside the Building” For the Future of Leadership

Quote: “The kinds of issues requiring advanced leadership are complicated and messy systems change problems that no one entity owns, that face contending stakeholders, and that require collaborative action across sectors and disciplines—more like social movements than neat-and-tidy organizational structures of employers and employees.”

Author: Gloria Feldt

Article: Intentioning: The Key to Reaching Gender Parity in Leadership

Quote: “One day soon—in a global post-COVID recovery—organizations of all kinds will have the opportunity to employ women-centered business strategies that will make them more profitable, sustainable, and meaningful, regardless of external forces.”

Author: John Hope Bryant

Article: Leadership for a New Day

Quote: “As leaders, the onus is on us to take actionable and measurable steps toward changing our organizations and our world for the better, even if they start small.”

Authors: Roopa Dhatt and Ann Keeling

Article: Delivered by Women, Led by Women – The Future of Global Health Leadership

Quote: “We cannot fight global health challenges like pandemics or slower burn challenges like antimicrobial resistance and obesity by drawing from half the talent pool.”

Author: Sally Helgesen

Article: Leading by Inclusion: A Road Forward

Quote: “If inclusive behaviors do not cascade down from the C-Suite to the supervisory, divisional or unit level, they have no chance of transforming peoples’ lived experience.”

Author: Rebecca Shambaugh

Article: Unprecedented Times Call for Gender-Balanced Leadership

Quote: “Incorporating gender-balanced leadership will become increasingly important over the next two decades, as needs will intensify in every industry for leadership that mirrors each customer base, community, and the world at large.”

In addition, the ‘From the Front Lines’ section includes two brief articles, featuring interviews with Jeff Schwartz (Discovering New Maps for Exploring the Future of Work) and Michelle R. Weise (The Role of Education in the Future of Work). There is also the regular column by Frances Hesselbein, Leader to Leader editor-in-chief and namesake to the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum (A Call for Transformation), and a special article (The Future is Here: Appreciating and Developing the Next Generation of Leaders), by Julia M. Santucci, senior lecturer in intelligence studies and Director of the Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership and the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum at the University of Pittsburgh.

I’m confident that the above articles can be crucial companions for your leadership journeys in the uncertain days, months, and years ahead.

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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