Slow Down and Get Centered

Curt Rosengren’s April 23rd guest post on, Take the Slow Road to Success, is a brief reminder that speed and frantic activity aren’t always the best ways to advance your goals or further your career. He suggests finding something that works for you —  such as meditation, gardening, journaling or other centering activities – that by doing on a regular basis can help you slow down, focus and think more clearly. An important point to remember is that these tools are short breaks, not obligations that consume your life. Also worth reading is a post on the same day from his own blog, The M.A.P. Maker, How to use questions to create a positive perspective.
The self-questioning technique is similar to the organizational concept of Appreciative Inquiry. For more on AI’s application in the workplace, see the April 6th “Viewpoint” piece in BusinessWeek, The Problem With Problems, by Fred Collopy, a Professor of Information Systems at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University.

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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