Staying relevant over many years…being a Renaissance Person helps

The concept of the Renaissance Man (or woman, for that matter) is closely related to living in more than one world. This type of person uses their talents in a variety of ways, engages in continuous learning, and moves among many different types of people and organizations. One of the best examples from history is Leonardo da Vinci, who seems to grow more popular each year. I’m continually fascinated by what keeps people relevant over a period of many years, as Peter Drucker managed to do. Randy Dotinga of The Christian Science Monitor analyzes Leonardo’s ongoing pop culture status — and in particular his importance to science musems — “Museums push to decode Leonardo da Vinci.” Readers of this blog should definitely enjoy Michael Gelb’s classic book How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci. I interviewed Gelb and reviewed several of his books in USA TODAY. Leonardo’s ability to move among worlds may makea great role model for people today who must continually reinvent themselves.

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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