The First-Time Author Experience, One Year On

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the publication of my book, Living in More Than One World: How Peter Drucker’s Wisdom Can Inspire and Transform Your Life. It’s been a fast moving year as a first-time author, an experience I’m treasuring since you can only do it once. (I welcome eventually being a “second-time” author.) My big recent news is that Diamond, Drucker’s publisher in Japan, has bought Japanese translation rights. I’m looking forward to publication there, as well as to editions scheduled to be published in China, South Korea and Brazil. I’ve also been doing a number of author events throughout this first year. It’s difficult to single out individual ones, as they have all been fun and interesting in various ways. The podcast for my keynote at the National Press Club on April 20 for LexisNexis’ The New Face of Value breakfast for government librarians is now online. There were three events in Pennsylvania: one in Scranton, where I was born and raised; another for the Wharton Club of  Philadelphia and one for the Pittsburgh chapter of SLA. In November I did a presentation for the Drucker Society of Los Angeles, at the Drucker-Ito School, in Claremont, Ca. Later that week, during the Drucker centennial observations, there was a book signing. The week before saw an especially memorable “fireside chat” for the Drucker Society of New York City with Frances Hesselbein, who wrote the wonderful foreword to the book. There have also been a number of articles/reviews. I was particularly pleased with two interviews, one for Idea Connection, and another for Both got me thinking in deeper ways about why I wrote the book, and how Drucker remains so relevant. I expect year number two to be just as busy.

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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