Warren Bennis and Leadership Studies: A New Book, and First Website at 85

Warren Bennis, whom I wrote about last year, is one of the world’s top authorities on leadership. He’s also a great example of someone who remains relevant, in-demand and active in his mid-80s. I think a worthy goal for knowledge workers to aim for is what Bennis has accomplished: deep into what many would term as advanced years, people still want to know what he thinks, and many will pay for the privilege. His book with Burt Nanus, Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge, has sold more than a half  million copies, and has a front cover endorsement from Peter Drucker. (Last year, I saw Bennis give a thought-provoking presentation at one of the Drucker Centennial events in Los Angeles.) Now, at 85, Bennis has his first website. And at the same time, he’s published his account of a fulfilling, meaningful life, Still Surprised, A Memoir of a Life in Leadership (written with Patricia Ward Biederman, with whom he has collaborated previously). The website has lots of interesting material. He has published 30 books and countless articles, and there has been lots of positive coverage of the new book. You can also get a good sense of Bennis as a person from the photo page of the website. And if you want a short, tough, clear-eyed view of the responsibilities of the leader of today, read Diane Brady’s September 23rd Q&A in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Speed Dial: Warren Bennis. The art of brevity is celebrated in this quote: “Sound bites are important. A leader has to talk to people’s hearts. Sound bites give specificity, but they have to be relevant and meaningful and resonant.”

Bruce Rosenstein

Author, Editor, Speaker, BLOGGER

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